Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dracozombie's week in gaming: July 11-17

Still haven't come up with a decent title. It'll come to me, eventually. Anyway, another week has come and gone. I feel as though I didn't really do much during the week, which is weird, since I also feel like I've been pulled every-which-way these last few days.

Last week (July 10, 2010) saw a Dragon Quest IX event at the Nintendo World Store at Rockefeller Center. This week saw a new event at Liberty State Park in New Jersey. Called the Wii Games: Summer 2010, Nintendo invited players to join in the summer spirit and compete in some video game tournaments.

Ys' Official Facebook page uploaded some new images for the upcoming Ys Seven title for the PSP. Being an avid Ys fan, this is definitely something I look forward to. This game introduces all new concepts to the series, particularly the three-person party mechanic. Ys Seven is scheduled for release on August 17th, so give it a look-see if you own a PSP.

Bioware is officially testing it's upcoming MMORPG based on the Star Wars mythos. Star Wars: The Old Republic is undergoing small focused-group tests, and will branch out into larger scale tests as the year progresses.

Runes of Magic, the very well-known free-to-play MMORPG, is introducing a relationship system. Marriage is at the core, but friendships and family ties can also be established. Runes of Magic is also introducing a video-tutorial system to help newbie players get into the game.

I did another piece on Allods Online and it's stupid fucking cash-shop nonsense. The game's player-base ran the hell away because the game is now without a doubt pay-to-win. I also wrote an article for MMOsite on the subject, but it was too opinionated and actually got taken down. Self-pwnage?

There is a bit of TERA info out: an interview reveals some info on the jumping mechanic and crafting. I also put up the most recent (at the time) screenshots of the week, which publisher En Masse puts on the official website weekly.

Vindictus, the upcoming free-to-play MMORPG is holding it's closed beta on July 22. The game is heavily action-based, and very awesome-looking. For a free-to-play title, Vindictus looks like it will offer some great gameplay. Sign-up for the beta test ends on July 19th, so you may still be able to get in!

Dragon's Call, a free-to-play browser-based MMORPG, had a bit of controversy go it's way: A player learned that the word "Gay" was banned/flagged by the World Chat system. In essence, you couldn't say the word in-game. Which pissed off the player, who threatened to sue.

Lastly, Free Realms, the ridiculously popular online virtual world, is offering a lifetime membership to it's players. Shell out $29.99, and you can get premium access to Free Realms. Considering how the damned game is growing at a rate of about a million players a month, you may want to check out the game and see what all the hullabaloo is about.

I haven't written anything for Video Game Trailers, and that's pretty fucking sad. I need to get back on-point.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A week in the life of Dracozombie...

I've been so bad to this poor blog. This is the one and only place I can really cut loose and talk about the games I love in a way that won't get me in trouble, and I haven't posted in the poor girl in well over two months. For shame, Gabriel. For shame.

So I came up with a kick-ass idea!

Since I'm so busy writing everywhere else, I'll re-cap what I wrote every Sunday here on The Gaming Gab. Not only is this a shameless self-promotion, but I can (hopefully) benefit from an SEO boost with links going every-which-way to all my writing sources. And I'll actually be using my fucking blog! Whoamfg!

All I need to do is come up with a catchier title...

Anyway, here is last week, (July 4- July 10), in gaming:

I wrote a review for Toy Story 3: The videogame. The game itself is pretty good, especially considering it's a movie-tie-in game. Check it out if you get the chance.

I also wrote a preview for a surprisingly bad-ass Dragon Quest IX event at the Nintendo World Store at Rockefeller Center. Plenty of people showed up, and the game itself looks sweet.

The awesome Vanquish E32010 trailer. Like the love-child of a first-person shooter and a third-person action game, Vanquish looks fucking amazing. Platinum Games is on a roll.

The Last Story finally revealed it's debut trailer. I don't wan't to get to excited yet, but The Last Story looks fucking great. It's like Sakaguchi (the father of Final Fantasy) is showing Square-Enix what an action-RPG should look like. And it's for the Wii. A pwn-some A-RPG on the Wii? Inconceivable! And yet...

Uploaded the E3 2010 demo-walkthrough for TERA, a fucking incredible action-MMORPG from South Korea. In a genre with few action-intense games, TERA is going in for the kill.

Wrote about Allods Online's ridiculously ass-backwards patch. The developers have replaced one stupid, player-deterring gameplay mechanic with an even stupider player-deterring mechanic.

TERAFans hosted some sexy-as-fuck armor renders for the demonic "Castanic" female characters in TERA. My weak, tempted manliness couldn't resist, so I had to write about it.

And that about wraps it up! Join me next week for more of Dracozombie's week in gaming! (It's a working title, please STFU).